How do I contact the Lions Den?
Call Cindy DeCecco at 408-342-4388 or emai at cdececco@mitty.com.
Where is the Lion’s Den located on Campus?
The Lion's Den is located on the west side of campus near the Dean’s office gate (across from Aymar Events Center).
What are the hours of operation?
The Lion's Den is opened Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m and 2:00 pm. to 3:00 p.m.
Lion's Den pickup are made at the MAIN OFFICE which is opened from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
To make special arrangements for pick up, please contact Cindy DeCecco at cdececco@mitty.
The online store is opened twenty-four hours a day
Lion’s Den items will be available at several evening events throughout the school year.
What are the Lion’s Den Delivery Options?
Shipments are made via USPS Priority Mail. Most packages arrive at your doorstep within 1-2 days of receiving the Order Completion/Fulfillment email from the Lion’s Den
Pickup at the Main Office on campus
Please see above for location and hours of operation. Most packages are available for pickup within 1-2 business days. Please wait until you receive the Order Completion/Fulfillment email from Lion’s Den before going to the Main Office.
What are the Sports Pack Delivery Options?
No Sports Pack items will be shipped.
If you are purchasing any sports pack item AFTER the sports assigned distribution date, please contact Cindy DeCecco at 408-342-4388 or email cdececco@mitty.com to coordinate pick-up.
How do I exchange an Item?
Please contact Cindy DeCecco at 408-342-4388 or email cdececco@mitty.com within 14 days of purchase to begin the process. All items MUST have the original packaging and tags. Clothes must be unworn.
Lion’s Den and Sports Pack items are subject to different terms and conditions.